Deerkill Cares

At Deerkill, we believe community is paramount, whether being part of one at camp, or giving back to others through community service initiatives. Each year, we provide several dozen full scholarships to children in need who otherwise would not have access to camp through organizations such as National Council for Jewish Women, Big Brothers Big Sisters, and Focus For A Future. We also are extremely proud of our campers’ participation in several camp events each summer to raise funds for worthy causes, including our Swim-A-Thon for Project Morry and our STARs’ “Deerkill Strong” fundraiser sales (bracelets, headbands, etc) for Experience Camps. Additionally, we provide food donations to local charities throughout the summer and at our annual Fall Fest event.

Of course, beyond our charitable efforts, we also integrate community service into our program for our 15-year old STARs. Each summer our STARs visit a local senior home to serve lunch, help prepare meals with Healing Meals, and clean and paint garbage cans through Keep Rockland Beautiful in addition to leading our “Deerkill Strong” sales.

We recognize that many of our campers also have Community Service projects for their schools, Mitzvah Projects or Boy/Girl Scouts. In an effort to support those projects, we will include a list here of all current fundraising efforts by our campers and hope that you can help them achieve their goals.

Deerkill Community Fundraising Projects: